Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moments of Fun

We’re working hard on the Melville, but we still need to let off steam every once in a while. We don’t get too much time off, so we put what we’ve got to good use.

Tonight we had spa night out on deck. We had back rubs, temporary tattoos and toenail painting. The main event, however, were the mud masks. We used sediment from the multi-corer and made exfoliating masks. Almost the entire science team and some of the crew joined in on the festivities. Even the captain was styling in his mask and sunglasses!

Earlier in the cruise we had water fight. We were off the coast of French Guiana to change some of the science crew. We welcomed the new scientists with buckets, squirt bottles, and sample jars – anything that could hold water (and didn’t have anything toxic in it) became weapons. Some labs were more prepared than others and brought water guns and balloons from home. After about 2 hours the free for all wound down, and everyone returned to prep for the second half of the cruise.

Among the other time off activities are card games – cribbage is very popular, as there’s a tournament currently going on. We’re almost to the final game, which will be Dave the bosun versus Debbie or Brandon, both from the zooplankton team (yours truly was knocked out in the first round).

The other thing we do to waste time is watch the water. If I walk out to the fantail or bow during the sunset (and to a lesser extent sunrises) there’s bound to be people sitting out; watching, taking pictures, chatting, and just relaxing after a long shift.

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