Friday, December 20, 2013

The Night Before Fieldwork

Notice that my entire carry
on is filled with supplies
and no tunimportant things,
like clothes
Twas the night before fieldwork, in the laboratory
The instruments were silent, and the cabinets were empty
The boat was all full of our vials and bottles
In to hope that soon they’d be filled with some samples

The postdocs were nestled all snug in their beds
While Science and Nature dreams danced in their heads
The grad students tossed and turned full of fear
Worries of protocols, reagents and gear

When from my computer arose a small “ding”
Pulled me out from the bed to check the damn thing
Straight to my laptop I flew in a beat
And opened my emails, still groggy with sleep

The light from the screen casting glare in my eyes
I squinted to read the new subject lines
When what, to my sleep deprived mind should I read
A new CC:all from the investigative lead

With a few paragraphs so short and precise
I knew that I’d get no more sleep on this night
The plan has all changed and the currents have twisted
The cruise track is going to need to be shifted

The chlorophyll, the nutrients and the phytoplankton
Still need to be taken, no matter the stations
My work won’t change much, but I still read the replies
The debates by PIs on what plan to go by

Finally the chief scientist decides on her plans
The researchers show up, with bags in their hands
The boat will depart soon, the science will start
We’ll produce new data, graphs, and some charts

But now my procrastinating must end
The packing for my own trip has got to begin
I have all the tools, and know their appliance
It’s time to get going, I need to do science!

-Modified from "The Night Before Christmas", Clement Clark Moore, 1822

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